Fearnville Drive, Bradford, BD4 8DX

01274 668613

Nurture Academies Trust

Bringing our communities together; nurturing excellence.

Byron Primary School

Headteacher – Mr R. O’Sullivan

Both the staff and the children are very proud of Byron Primary School. OFSTED, October 2022 graded Byron as a Good School. This is a reflection of the high quality of education that we provide, our hardworking, dedicated Staff Team and our wonderful children. We are not only determined to ensure that the children achieve to their full ability, but also that they enjoy their work and are inspired to learn. We want children to develop into confident, healthy, happy and considerate members of society.

Visit our website

Ofsted rating : Good

Byron Primary School
Barkerend Road

Email: office@byronprimary.com

Phone: 01274 722981
Twitter: @Byronprimarysch